Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of year when the world looks fresh and clean—for those of us with winters of snow, we begin seeing robins and green grass. Regardless of where we are, there’s something about spring that is bright, sunny and new.

If we’re spring cleaning, we’re packing away winter items and purging things we no longer need. It brings a clean new space to our home or office. Getting rid of old catalogs, samples and supplies gives you extra space and helps you stay organized while providing a breath of fresh air. If your car is your office-on-the-road, getting rid of the clutter and popping in a new air freshener can give you a whole new attitude.

Spring is also the perfect opportunity to look at what your brand materials say about you. Is your image gathering dust?

Marketing collateral—whether digital or print—it can get stale all too quickly. While you don’t want to change to a new flavor-of-the-month constantly, looking at how you’re using it, what results you’re obtaining and if the imagery enhances or detracts from your brand is important. Look at your audience—is your messaging still relevant? Did you have a promotion that was successful the first time you ran it, but isn’t giving you the same results? Try something new. Learn what components worked, but use a different approach. Cutting edge is only cutting edge for a glimmer.

Business cards—we all still use some form of them. When you ordered your last batch, did you take advantage of the volume discount and order thousands? Take a look at your supply. If colors are fading or the stock is yellowing, it is time to pitch them and get new ones. If you’re taking your pen and crossing out your old area code, it’s a sign you’ve held onto them way too long. Take the opportunity to update the look–keep that logo you’re so proud of, but change the background, paper stock, format or shape. Handing out a sharp new card is a great way to freshen your image.

Technology—most Americans spend more than 40 hours per week using some type of technical device, and nearly half have a device laying around that they no longer use. Unless you’re beginning a tech museum, donate or recycle the old items. While it’s nice to reminisce about how cool you felt when you first got that Palm Treo, it’s time to let it go.

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